NZMHA has defined five regions within New Zealand, three in the North Island and two in the South Island. Within these regions NZMHA has from one to many Affiliated Clubs. These clubs provide their members the opportunity to hold meetings and events such as training days and shows, work with local A&P Associations to organise Miniature Horse classes at local A&P shows and provide front line support to new owners and breeders. Additionally the Affiliated Clubs often work in conjunction with NZMHA to run NZMHA Regional Shows or even the NZMHA National Show. The requirements to affiliate a club to NZMHA are included on the Misc page.
Region 1
Auckland Miniature Horse Club
C/- Kristi Churches
483 Pine Valley Road
RD2 Silverdale
Auckland 0992
Ph: 021425749
Email: aucklandminiatures@gmail.com
Facebook Group
Region 2
Waikato Miniature Horse Club
C/- Kirstie McGrail
59 Kimberly Road
Te Awamutu 3875
Ph: 027 270 3175
Email: kirstie.mcgrail@raywhite.com
Facebook Group
Region 3
Mountain Miniature Horse Society Inc
C/- President: Tracey Blake
C/- Secretary/Treasurer: Kylie McKee
Email: mtminihorses@gmail.com
Phone: 027 8360518
Facebook Group
Southern, Eastern & Central Miniature Horse Club
C/- Sarah King
Palmerston North
Email: secmhcnz@gmail.com
Region 4
Miniature Horse Club of Canterbury
C/- Penny Carmody
610 Pesters Rd,
West Eyreton 7475
Ph: 03 3133314
West Coast Miniature Horse Club
C/- Lynette Sollis
17 Old School Road
Arahura 7882
Ph: 021 030 8391.
Email: ninny.sollis@gmail.com
Region 5
Miniature Horse Club North Otago
C/- Lynda Lindsay
Ph: 03 426 0792
E-mail: ak.lindsay@xtra.co.nz
Miniature Horse Club of Southland 1997 Inc
C/- Lynne Herron
99 Racecourse Road
Gore 9772
Email: connemara_miniatures@hotmail.com
Otago Miniature Horse and Carriage Driving Club
C/- Margaret Miller
23 Reid Avenue
Mosgiel 9024
Ph: 03 489 7773
Email: msmiler@xtra.co.nz